Evolving into Global Life Cycle Management | Logical Logistics
In this episode, Joe Becht discusses the importance of global life cycle management and its role in facilitating the growth of businesses. He invites Jay Fraze of Tech Data to talk about the changes that his company implemented to get where they are now.
Tech Data began as a small typewriter distributor based in Florida, and they are now a multinational distribution company specializing in IT products and services.
Jay Fraze Tech Data Clearwater, FL Jay.fraze@techdata.com 800–237–8931, x5683909 https://www.servicesbytechdata.com/ https://www.techdata.com/
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For more from Joe Becht and Logical Logistics, head to https://www.beslogistics.net/
Logical Logistics is powered by BellAir Expediting and brought to you in this form exclusively on BLTV.
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SeizeYourBusiness.com is hosted by Bryan McDonald from OnPurpose Growth Website: www.onPurposeGrowth.com My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonaldbryan/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcdonaldbryan
Unlike other business-oriented podcasts, we will not give you “RA RA!” motivation. The purpose of this podcast is to provide you with actionable strategies and tactics that you can incorporate into your own business immediately.
Every week, we will interview a successful business owner and plunge into the mind of our guest for specific lessons learned in the course of business. In the second half of each episode, we will have that business owner join us for an in-depth discussion of a particular topic apropos to his or her business, and hopefully to yours as well.
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None of the content in this series is intended as paid legal advice.
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